21 January 2007

doing less with less

$1.5 billion. that's how much oprah's worth. that's billion with a b. that is crazy money, you know? that kind of money is making more money in interest than you can ever spend. i've heard that people consistently will tell you if they were bringing home 20% more income, they'd be all set. people bringing home $20,000 per year would be all set if they were brining home $24,000. people bringing home $30,000 think they need $36,000. based on what arrived at casa ace last year... well, yeah, another 20% would seem to just about cover it. the irony is that it's never enough, is it? b/c you get more, you spend more, you have more obligations, then you need more.

next up for ace -- attempting to get less, spend less, have fewer obligations, and need less.

p.s. went for a little 3-miler this morning. the weather is spectacularly wet, misty, grey, & cold. seriously excellent weather for a run, which turned out slower than it should have, but no less fun than it could have.


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