16 January 2007


what would you do if you felt something slipping out of your grasp?

let's say it's a kite. you feel the string inching out of your grasp. you would probably hang on tighter to the part you had a hold of. you might even wrap the string around your finger or your hand, to hold on better. that's how you hang onto something that's floating away - you hang onto it tighter.

let's say it's a handful of water. you feel the drops dripping out of your grasp. you would probably tighten up your own hands, your own self, against the thing's leaving. that's how you hang onto something that's seeping away - you hang onto yourself tighter.

let's say it's a little bird. you feel the wings fluttering out of your grasp. you could hang on tighter to the bird. you might even tie a string around it and wrap the string around your hand or your finger. but, that might just strangle the bird or cripple it. you could probably tighten up your hands, your own self, against it's leaving. but, that might just scare it, make it fear you, cause it to shut down. your best bet here is to be. that's it: simply be. let the bird know you, and decide to stay on it's own. that's how you hang onto something that's willing itself away - you don't hang on at all.

and, too... that's how you risk that little bird's taking a bit of yourself away with it.


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