13 January 2007

one would prefer fun; one would settle for tolerable.

up early to run the hill with speedy and a bunch of bazookaheads including some people i have never met who want to run like 8 min miles. here's a secret: i don't run that fast. okay, that's not a secret, really. the whole thing was my idea and emailed to a select group thought to include no bazookaheads, and then one turned out to be a bazookahead spy and had to go and post it on the message board, and now there is no telling who will show up and really how are you supposed to have any fun if you are in the back of the pack all the time? not expecting to be the leader, mind you, but do get tired of being in the back. also, it's like 61º right now and probably going to be 55º at 7am b/c the temp is dropping b/c there is rain coming in, and also it is very windy. it's impossible to determine what to wear. the conditions are poor and the company is questionable. oh, and then there is the car trouble that inspired me to email yesterday and say don't wait on me & speedy b/c i thought we might be late and wanted to let people know, and a whole boatload of bazookaheads accused me, in the guise of joking ha-ha, of setting up a group run and then backing out. which i could very well do, but didn't, and didn't appreciate being accused of it, although it's not out of the question that it would happen.
  • don't know who will be there.
  • don't know what to wear b/c don't know what the weather is doing.
  • don't know how my knee will feel so don't know how far i can go.

this just typifies why not to plan things w/ a group of people. you can't control the circumstances enough to ensure that it will be at the least just simply bearable.


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