08 January 2007

if you're happy and you know it, pipe down

surgery today went well. no, i did not have surgery. someone else did, but the phone calls were all positive, and since it went well, you really don't need to worry your pretty little head over that.

hoping tomorrow's potluck will go as well as the surgery, but everyone who'd rather go run... raise your hand.

the new ups commercial uses the song such great heights. know who sings that song? if you do not know, you should google it. quite ironical.

fixin' to watch the ohio state v. florida game, and it will be odd to cheer for florida, but it's all about the sec in the post-season. auburn, lsu, kentucky, south carolina, georgia were winners, alabama, arkansas, and ut lost, so it's total 5-3 winners from the sec, and with florida tostitos bcs national championship game... could be 6-3, and that's strong. also, tostitos sponsored 2 bowl games, and that's kind of strange. because who eats tostitos? everyone knows doritos are better.

doritos and tostitos both come in lime flavor, but the doritos lime are only available in the uk. strange.

currently reading: glass castle by jeannette walls. excellent book. here's the list from '06. aiming for more in '07, and with the new harry potter coming out... facing a decision as to whether to reread all the previous harry potters to get the full impact. probably will, although might have to purchase the paperbacks, as the hardbacks are a challenge to lug around. also would like to check out the lemony snickets, and of course, all the new andrew greeleys and any new grishams and a couple jasper ffords. probably should visit the liberry, as these are many books.

books read '06:
vanishing acts - jean picoult
sea of glory - ken wales, david pohling
the peculiar memoirs of thomas penman - bruce robinson
faster - james gleick
light from heaven - jan karon
six easy pieces - richard feynman
bitter is the new black - jen lancaster
a different universe: reinventing physics from the bottom down - robert laughlin
irish crystal - andrew greeley
prince of darkness - sharon kay penman
well of lost plots - jasper fford
the last book in the universe - rodman philbrick
a grave talent - laurie r. king
to play the fool - laurie r. king
night work - laurie r. king

game time! go gators!!


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