07 January 2007

la rocca

blogger's out of beta, but i don't want to switch. i'd rather fight than switch.

two bill pullman movies were showing at the same time this afternoon -- ID4 and sleepless in seattle. here's a pic of ol' bill, should you not know who he is.

perusing the clearance table at the grocery this afternoon, found that item that no good jewish child should be without: the hanukkah yoyo. being neither jewish nor good [though debatably childish...], i did not purchase the yoyo.

managed to run three miles this morning in 26:33. things are looking up there.

too bad about eli and the giants losing. a manning v. manning super bowl would have been worth watching.

got a hair cut yesterday. liked how it looked, so i went back and got the others cut to match. [da-dum-ching!]. so, i'm sitting there in the chair, and not wearing my glasses, so truly cannot see a dingitydagum thing. snip. one snip of the shears, and mini-me goes oh, my. i am like that is not the appropriate thing to say when some blind person is getting a hair cut. anyhooo - it turned out loverly, in case you were worried about it.

ever heard of la rocca? just caught their video on imf, and it was pretty good -- beatle'esque. and, now on tv: michael waltrip -- inside the life of. sweet! gotta go watch this. love me some michael waltrip.


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