09 April 2011

mediocrity bites

it's been an almost great day. everything is just a touch off, but the only context for my complaints is that my life is easy and fabulous.

i woke up at 6:44 and woke up my old man and axt what time did he want to get up and he said 8 which should have been great for me because i am the one who likes to sleep in, but when i woke up again at 8 i felt worse than i did at 6:44. should have got up at 6:44.

made some breakfast of eggs and oatmeal and bacon and coffee and toast and it was all good and fine but not really what i wanted which was pop tarts but that's just wacked out because who prefers pop tarts over a home cooked meal? me, that's who.

did the dishes and aslo balanced the checkbook and paid the bills, and while none of that can be categorized as 'fun' it's all 'satisfying' so it's good stuff, but not quite hitting the saturday spot.

i decided i could handle a two mile run so i got dressed and headed out. i wore my skirt to cheer myself up with thoughts of how pretty i am and also how miss tonay's head would be spinning. i took off and after about 1/4 mile realised i was wearing the wrong shoes, they were the heavy ones, and pluswise, i forgot to use the puffer, which who the hell forgets something that important? me, that's who. it was hot, and i was immediately tired, and my leg hurt, and so i lollygagged around a while and went home.

while i was stretching i remembered i have a merlin on the tivo, so i dialed it up, and that made for good company while i was stretching and doing all that stuff from therapy like the dead bug and the bird dog. the merlin was good, but the conclusion was too easy. of course, it's a television show, so what to expect. oddly dissatifying, but at this point, i was beginning to think it was just me.

i showered and got dressed and i knew what i wanted to wear - this jean skort and just a white tee shirt - and i thought it would feel all summery but it just feels like last years clothes. or, like five years ago's clothes.

so first i went to target looking for a new shower curtain for my newly painted bathroom and i knew just what i wanted - something with grey and black and red - and it didn't even matter what the pattern was, just the colours, and unbelievably, i could not find anything at all. so i got some tee shirts because this one today is making me feel so perfect i just need some more of that. haha. and i got some listerine and deoderant, and those are just party party fun fun.

then i went to bed, bath, and BEYOOOOND! and i was just sure they'd have a shower curtain exactly what i was looking for, but no, they really did not. i ended up getting one that will look okay, but after all that, i forgot to get the curtain rod to hang it. stupid. stupid.

then i am thinking, let's just go to starbux, shall we? but it's only me, so i am talking to myself, and that's an excellent sign. i came on over here and had my bag for a free cuppa, so i ordered that, and while she was getting it i was all back and forth about getting the mini vanilla scones. i decided what the hell, so i axt for three of those, and by the time she got everything together, someone had taken that nice table in the corner but OMG THEY JUST LEFT.

okay, now i am sitting at the corner table with my coffee and my scones and things are really looking up. i have fulfilled my blogligation with this diatribe of angsty suburban woe, i can sit back and play a little scrabble, sip my cuppa and munch my scones. this is gonna be great!

oh. except i have to pee.


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