adventures in suppermaking
so it was my turn to make supper and i was fixing to fix some scrambled eggs. i got the eggs from the fridge, set the carton on the countertop, opened it, and selected an egg. when i made to pick up the selected egg to remove it from the carton - boof - my thumb went right into the egg. just a wee boof, see?
i elected not to use that egg in the making of supper. would you have used it? i don't know why i was shy of using it, as it was simply a thin shell. the membrane inside the shell was intact, the egg was surely in fine form inside its thin skin, but still, i deemed it defective and disposed of it.
when i approached the stovetop, i noticed a THING stuck to the burner. see the THING?
i am fairly certain the THING is a piece of oatmeal that somehow became encrusted onto the burner, but i am not 100% certain of that. i know you are thinking, ace, with your unequalled housekeeping skills, how could an oat become encrusted on the stovetop? well, probably someone is breaking into the house to sabotage my housekeeping. my skills are just that badass.
the oat looks a bit ominous, does it not? is that the correct spelling of ominous? did the ominous oat deter me? it did NOT! i thought it might smolder and smell, but it did not. i overcame the ominous oat's oafishness.
yes, my stovetop is harvest gold. thank you for noticing!
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