07 April 2011

tonight's supper: rotini, mushrooms, roasted grape tomatoes, salmon. mmmm! here is a picture. no, i am not going to provide pictures of my supper every night from now on. hey, don't cry, you baby. sheesh.

just saw a commershal for that new jake gyllenhaal movie "source code" and to my eyes, it looks just like "déjà vu" with denzel washington. hero has limited amount of time to fix a life-or-death problem and keeps replaying a short bit of past over and over to get it right while falling in love with a girl who actually died in the past and defying this short history to save the girl. "source code" may be different than "déjà vu" but the premises are very much the same.

speaking of déjà vu and life-or-death, did you hear that there was another earthquake in japan today? a 7.4, which sounds small compared to the last one, eh? jeez. this one hit off the coast of miyagi, by which of course i mean the prefecture and not the karate sensei.

do you think it's important in a blog post to tie everything together, have a conclusion?


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