we are having beavis and regina for a short visit, an undertaking which requires nearly as much focus as walking a marathon. someone apparently forgot to inform the dastardly duo that this vacation is not a sanctioned poopapolooza event. for two such seemingly well-adjusted tykes, it's surprising how much time they can happlily spend lugging turds and wallowing in smoosh. mini-me was certainly never like that, not at all, ever.
regina doesn't talk much yet. what she needs to say, she says with a poop and a smile. but, beavis is a funny little man with perfect selective hearing. you can whisper "jaffa cake" in omaha and he will hear you, but you can kneel beside him and speak directly into his ear and tell him it's time to put his trains away and he will not even blink. i had to put him in time out for continuing to open the refrigerator. there are just so many times ol' harvest goldie can be opened before she's gonna have a meltdown. pluswise, how many grapes does a 2.5 yr old need? according to the load in his pullups, not quite that many. when i put him to bed, he said, "but i was wanting to spend more time with you." haha! nice try, smooth talker, but it's lights out!
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