25 November 2010


so we were driving home from the eatfest and i noticed the odometer was at 80808 and i was thinking how that was cool and especially on the day that we all ate-oh-ate-oh-ate. GET IT?? and so i was going to discretely snap a photo for ya so you could share the 80808 so i tried but the lighting was all wrong and it was a big orange blob. my old man was like, what are you trying to do? i was hesitant to tell him because he'd be all like, you're crazy, or something like that and so i was like, um... see it's 80808 and i was trying to get a picture, and darned if he didn't get his phone out and turn on the cabin light and position the camera behind the steering wheel and get this shot for me to share with you. isn't he just full of surprises.


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