07 October 2010

my sincerest apology

i was gonna be all like -- hey sorry my blog has been so sucky recently, and by sucky i mean short entries about nothing -- but that would imply that a unsucky blog has long entries about something, and the only bloggers i know that write long entries about STUFF are naval-gazing social outcasts and try as i might, i simply cannot become one of those types. as much as i hate the peoples, the peoples just loves them some ace. what can i say. also, it is bad form to apologize for having a sucky blog because what does that say about the readers, eh? "sorry you people are so completely lame that you are spending your time reading something that even i, the writer, recognize as crap. thanks for stopping by!!" the thing is that i don't actually think my blog is sucky but i think that you will think it is sucky so i want to pre-empt the judgment of suck by telling you that "hey, i know it sucks, beat ya to it!" but that's not workable because firstly, i don't think it sucks and secondly, i don't give a flying turtle turd* what you think of my blog because -- here's the real shocker -- IT'S NOT FOR YOU. it's a blog, ya doof. it's blather by the ace, for the ace. clearly the internet is a public media, and anyone can breeze on by here and take a gander. it's not SECRET, it's just MINE. if you don't like it you can leave, and anyway, the bottom line is that i don't give a flying turtle turd** what you think.

[*flying turd of a stationary turtle, not to be confused with a stationary turd of a flying turtle, nor with a flying turd of a flying turtle, nor in any way associated with turtle soup.]



At 08 October, 2010 08:06, Blogger MissTonay said...

I used to have some turtle stationery.


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