01 October 2010

drive yourself insane tonight, it's not that far away, and i just filled up your tank earlier today.

took the long way home today. beautiful clear sky, no passengers, just me & the alkaline trio in the little slingshot car. ahhh...

one of the greatest things about taking the long way home is that hill. you know, the one where if you're in the slingshot doing about 50 when you crest it, you can let off the gas and glide across the slight down & slight up of the quarter mile ridgetop, and the car will lose momentum just right so that when you hit that sharp turn at the edge of the downhill side, you're doing exactly 35 and you'll think you need to slow down because of the sharpness of the curve, but if you resist that urge to hit the brake and instead keep going, you'll find the bank of the curve is precisely calibrated for the slingshot car doing 35mph, and so you hang on and you've shot the curve and you're headed down... 37... 42... 45... you'll be doing close to 48mph at the bottom of the hill and if there's no one behind you, you can let the car wind on down to where the road curves and ends at the highway and you'll barely have to touch the brake to wait for the infrequently-used trigger to change the light to your favor and give you the green-go-ahead to re-enter the real world.

today i discovered a brand new traffic signal smackdab in the middle of the ridgetop, glaring red red red, completely devastating the entire adventure.

sometimes i hate people.


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