if i had a hammer, that would make four hammers because i already have three hammers.
how 'bout them titans? woo woo woo! i am an eli manning fan, but not when he's playing the titans! woo woo woo!! go titans! go vince young! go cortland finnegan! go kenny britt! go rob bironas! this concludes "list of ace's favorite players".
what i really, really want is one of those tables by the door like where they always throw their keys when they come in the door on teevee shows, but my in-door is from the garage into the kitchen and there's no fun table in the kitchen. there's only a countertop in the kitchen. countertop - ppshh! bo-o-o-o-oring!!
coffee cup auditions have gone viral. the cups in the cup cupboard at elvis's place heard about it and one of them mms'd me a pic today. very pushy, these cups. this one is emblazoned with a bit of spanish and this may come as a surprise to you, but i don't read spanish. i know, right? i mean, i was totally surprised, too. no spanish knowledge. who knew?
i got these new sweatpants the other day at old navy and i totally thought they were a small but they are a medium so that explains why they are a wee bit too long, but i would really like an explanation on why they fit so well around the butt. huh? okay, fine. FINE. F.I.N.E. entiendo, okay??
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