babushka babushka babushka babushka babushka babushka babushka babushka babushka babushka
i usually don't answer the phone when i don't recognize the phone number, but for some reason i was compelled to answer this morning.
ace: hello?
caller: who is this?!
ace: this is the person you called. who is THIS?
caller: is debra there?!
ace: there is no debra here.
caller hung up.
this is why i don't answer calls from numbers i don't recognize - because people are rude and idiotic. i googled the number and guess who it is registered to? debra. what the hell?
in other news, blueberry season is over. the price has doubled in the past week or so. grapes, on the other hand, are cheap-cheap. too bad you can't stock up on produce because i would have laid away some blueberries last week, and now i'd be piling in the grapes. one thing that would be cool is if someone would invent a way to save produce, like to preserve it, so that you could maybe keep it in a can or even in a package like in the freezer, then you could eat it months later. yeah. someone needs to invent something like that.
i had cause this weekend to spend some significant time around teenaged girls, and they are about what you'd expect - overly dramatic about the small stuff, inattentive to the big stuff, worried about their hair and who else is riding in their car, completely oblivious to the schedule of futbol games they will be playing. i overheard a conversation that started thusly: "what if when i get older, i don't want to dress like my mom, i want to dress like i dress now." i wanted to explain to them that if they continue to dress like they do now into their mom-years, they will find that they are as out of touch with new styles as they believe their own moms to be today. but, i knew they wouldn't get it.
by the way that sweatshirt rocks. :D
ppfahahaha!! you realize that's the one you always complained about? didn't want to be seen with someone wearing it??
But now I remember it as "the sweatshirt you wore and we had fun together when you wore it."
well there you go. the circle of life of a sweatshirt.
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