when you go to rename a file in win7, the system by default does not select the file extension, which is precisely the part of the name i am usually needing to change. anyone who knows how to change this and make it choose the entire filename including extension, if you can tell me how to do this, i will bake you a cake. you will have to come & get the cake, and i am a fairly sucky baker, but it's the thought that counts, right?

all day i've been working on this one thing and i finally had a breakthrough like around 15:00 and slammed it home. wah-chow! one could say the day's work would have been easier had i had a breakthrough earlier in the day, but one might also say that without all the hand wringing and general gnashing & rending and so forth, there would not have been a breakthrough at all. one could say i am an idiot for not figuring it out sooner. one could say i am brilliant for figuring it out at all. if you have even a modicum of intelligence, you will side with the ones saying i'm brilliant because if you side against me, i will bake you a cake and bring it to your house.

in other news, i still cannot run. monday i am committed to a 5k. 11 sept i am to do another 5k. 25 sept i have already paid for a half-marathon, and in november, an entire 26.2 waits for me. we could choose to say, "ace is well rested." we could choose to say, "ace has a butt like a giant cake." either would be true, but the latter would be unkind and the former, while true, is a bit disingenuous. it is not precisely 'rested' that i am, but rather more that i am 'extremely freaking frustrated'. i'm a couple hundred copayment dollars into physical therapy at this point with really no progress to show for it. well, there is progress in the cake-butt area, although that's not really the type of progress that will get me back out there running.

dead father's club and followed it with
a spot of bother -- both by british authors. the brits are a funny people, and i mean funny-haha and funny-strange. they're a bit more stream of consciousness than their buttoned-up exteriors might lead you to believe. all smooth on top with a bit of a roary underneath, what what. pluswise, they call 'cake' 'pudding' and so you can see right there they are messed up in the head.
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