according to this commershal i am watching, lance armstrong has a really nice refrigerator.
just finished hp6 and started 7, and i thought it might be different this time, but it is the same as last time i read them - i am a bit confused. i understand that there are certain elements of the story being held back, perhaps from all the books but certainly from 6 to 7. i mean, after about 3, ol' JK had to realize that this was no one-book-wonder, so i don't blame her for building the story across the books and not neatly wrapping things up. i also am well aware that the whole question of trusting snape is supposed to be precisely that: a question. but i can't help but feel that there are too many loose ends starting to drift out of the weave after 5 and especially after 6. my theory is that JK was extremely busy at this point with the movies coming out and the book tours she was doing, and she was also under increasing pressure from her publisher to turn out the books once a year. the first book and probably the following couple, really, knowing how writers work -- these she was working on for years in the tea shop and the pub, just writing, writing, creating a world. of course, after you've established the world in the first books, you can get on with the adventure in the later books, but i am left with the niggling feeling that i didn't quite catch everything. or, that everything wasn't quite explained. i hesitate to say she was careless because that doesn't quite fit. i don't think she was careless, but i think maybe her editor wasn't quite as stringent and really, she probably had so many convos with her editor that they were both on the same page, so to speak. and, yeah, it's not like i have a list of specific questions, it's a more vague suspicion that i didn't get all the info that was intended to come my way. it feels like i read to fast, like i was careless and not paying attention, but i was even more careful this time than before, so i don't think that's true.
well, one specific question. who the hell was montague and when was he ever stuck in the vanishing cabinet?
that's in like book three or four...i vaguely remember it happening. i may go look it up at some point. :)
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