06 August 2010

weekend update


the FRS stuff is tasty and does provide an energy boost althought i am not sure if it's a real boost or if it's just a placebo effect. a boost's a boost, i suppose, but i don't want to be duped into buying snake oil. of course, lance says it's real, and if anyone knows their substances, it's a cyclist. i am sure it's not hurting me, i am just not convinced it's helping. however. it tastes good, so there's that. google FRS and go to their website and purchase something and they will send you a drink bottle and some of the powder mix for free. i got 2 boxes of powder for less than it would have cost at vitamin shoppe. and, a clanky metal drink bottle with a carabiner hooked to it. woop woop!!

the two pairs of new shoes are good. the lunar flys are more lovely than the asics but both are comfy, fit well, no slipping at the heels. i really hate wearing those low socks for running b/c they always get scrunched down into my shoes, but the other day i accidentally picked up the wrong socks and my spare pair at work is also that low sort b/c that's why they are the spare pair. right. so, the point here is that i had to wear the low socks and they did not get all scrunched into my asics, so wahlah, well-fitting shoes.

the coconut water tastes good, but i didn't notice any difference in hydration, so i am not going to spend money on that anymore. the capris i haven't worn yet except to try them on so i know they fit. the higdon plan, well, i am only in the 2nd week, but so far i have done more weightlifting and cross training than in, like, the past whole year. i've been wanting to fit that in, but with the whole running thing, there just weren't enough hours in the day. pecan pie and all that, y'know? so i am down with the higdon as far as enjoyment goes, although still skeptical that less running will prepare me for the marathon properly. of course, it's probably true that i have never properly prepared for a marathon, so if i am to be unproperly prepared, this way is as good as any, eh?


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