18 July 2010

in darkness she is all i see. come and rest your bones with me. driving slow on sunday morning.

thoroughly enjoying the harry potter books - moreso if possible than the first time 'round. usually when you know the ending it spoils the story but the rich detail, compelling characters, and fascinating plots make these stories ones you can read over & over again. side effect of books set at school - i invariably want to go back to school while reading them, or at least to get my hands on some school supplies. in this case, i want parchment, quill, ink, a wand, spell books, and an owl.
earlier this week in that driveway down the street there were three sheriff patrol cars with their blue lights pulsating, a truck with a small unmarked trailer attached, and folks walking in & out the front door, some carrying armloads of stuff. the house with the white siding and bright red door is for rent again, and i wonder what happened to those kids who spent the long summer evenings throwing frisbee on the sloping lawn. my old man says maybe they were cooking meth, but they looked more like pot heads to me. but then, i am not sure they haul you away like that for dealing a bit of the mary jane.
russians are drowning by the thousands this summer because the heat is excessive, air conditioning is rare, swimming holes are plentiful, and they all drink too much vodka. yes, in the vast majority of the drownings, alcohol is a factor. this pathetic situation begs a good punchline to make it more palatable.
schleck's in the lead at the tour de france and a kid called oosthuizen is leading the british open. oosthuizen's nickname is "shrek" which sounds like "schleck". the most likely explanation for this is that they are brothers, separated at birth and raised by separate adoptive families, never meeting.
inception topped the box office this weekend. i heard two wildly divergent (or is that widely divergent?) reviews on npr this past week. kenneth turan loved it; david edelstein, not so much. i like edelstein's reviews because he supports his claims. if he likes something he explains why with examples; same if he doesn't like it. he provides analysis, not simple opinion, so you can listen and figure out if you'd feel the same way about the same examples. they're not simple subjective face-value type reviews - they're solid and thoughtful.
me & my old man are heading to the bikecycle store grand opening. wanna come with?


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