20 July 2010

i woke up tuesday morning staring at the ceiling hoping for deliverance from the distances in you.

the scheduling was a bit wack. double elimination and we had one loss, so we came into tonight facing 4 games for the championship. won the first game 7-3. won the second game 4-2. won the third game 5-2. then we had to play the same team again because we'd given them their first loss. ah, the beauty of double elim. we lost like 946-3. or, like 8-3 but it felt like 946. we took a slammin'. we were out of gas, plain & simple, and the other team had adrenaline for the finals. whatevs. we beat them that third game after having already played 2 tough games. they couldn't beat us until we were completely worn out. so there.


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