26 February 2010

i like the dave ramsey system, but i hate the dave ramsey show because it's the same every time. the. same. ev. er. y. time.

we live in a sort of cocoon.

what? no.

no, i do not mean the universal "we" as in We All Live In Our Own Little Worlds.


i mean "we" as in "me and my old man". we live in a sort of cocoon. just me & him. us. not you. us.

i am struck anew by this each time we leave our little cushiony cushions: there are a lot of really different people out there. and by different i don't mean "not like each other" - i mean "not like us".

i'm fairly certain it goes without saying that people are not like each other, but it's a little less expected that they are not like us. i'm talking about a subtle thing here, so try to keep up. each person is different - that's a given and we all accept it. but glossed over our differences is a sameness. it's this gloss that is more or less present.

we move around in a sort of cocoon in our home area where the gloss is heavy and everyone is like us and eventually we don't notice it. it becomes a given. it's when we leave this home area and there's less gloss all over everyone that we're reminded of how different everyone is out there.

i'm not making an assessment of better or worse and especially not approaching the consideration of right or wrong. i am just telling you how it is, from my perspective here in the cocoon.


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