13 March 2009

where have all the flowers gone?

this blog has a sitemeter on it. ooo! big whoop. the point is that for about a week, this place was downright hopping. well, hopping is all relative, but there were 10-12 visitors per diem. today? zero. zip. zilch. nada. nil. none. fascinating, really, the nature of internet search. for a week to 10 days, 10-12 folks per day were running aground here thru google or somesuch search. suddenly today - totally & completely ice cold. the googling google googs, and having googed, googs on.

today on my lunchtime run, i [ahem... wink-wink] accidentally went too far & then had to run back. it was oopsie-doopsie 10 miles. not really sure how that happened, but perhaps it had something to do with the fact that there's a 100% chance of rain tomorrow when i would have usually done my weekly 10. i don't think anyone missed me from work during the time i was gone, b/c you know, i run so fasterly.

tonight my old man showed up with whitt's stuffed taters. yipee ki yay! delishus taters with turkey bbq and add in there the cornbread - hooo-yeh! so, i ated the whole tater, and the tater skin cause i likes me some tater skins, and then ate 2 pieces of the cornbread which they call corn "light" bread. not sure what the "light" part is, b/c it's the same color as any other cornbread, and it's sure not light in weight. it's kind of heavy & sticky. but, it's yum yum yummy!

so, he brought home something yummy to eat, but another key factor in the pure delight was that he decided, purchased, and carried home a certified dinner item without requiring coaching or cajoling. go you mr man!


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