fold 'em! fold 'em! fold 'em! keep those clothees foldin'! cross-eyed!!
green team tied yesterday, 1-1. so we're 1-0-1 on the season. it's soccer 101. ha.
went for a run today at lunchtime and enjoyed it so much i went for another when i got home. this warm sunny weather you folks go on & on about - it has its appeal, i grant you that.
i should be folding clothes right now.
read an article about fb & the guys who invented it. their vision is to create a worldwide communication thigiemadoogie. recently, they changed the home page and made it what i like to call «wack». many other fb users would agree with me. in the article, the guys in charge of fb were quoted as saying they basically didn't care what people thought. «it's not a democracy,» they said. okay, yes. they are correct. it's not a democracy - it's a business. and, if you want to run your business with the customer service model we don't care what our customers want - well, more powah to ya. that's a tried & true model - and, a highly successful one. if you define success to mean «no customers». enjoy your arrogance, fb boys, b/c your golden days will not last forever. don't forget that i am working on the next big thing - in-your-face-book, the anti-social network.
i really should be folding clothes right now.
i opened a pkg of fig newtongs today, and one of my newtongs was deformed. you know how newtongs are closed on both sides & opened on the ends? well, this one was open down one side. cripes! the best way to eat a newtong is to pull off the side crusts & eat them first, and then eat the rest of the newtong. if there's a side missing, that takes some of the fun out of it. not to mention - the newtong was hideous in its ugliness. where was quality control? didn't anyone notice a sideless newtong riding along the conveyor to the pkg machine? maybe someone did notice, but they thought it was okay enough. maybe someone ate the side crust! maybe the quality control guy ate the side crust! omg! he is probably reading this & laughing about it right now, thinking how he ate the side crust & marred the newtong! curse you, crust-eating quality control guy!
i am going to fold the clothes now.
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