open your cheese encrusted eyes!
i wish it were friday... where has the year gone? yeah, we've been over this before, but still... i get so, so, so tired of people saying "what happened to the time" when they have wished it freakin' away.
have you seen a school lunch line lately? there are no healthy choices for kids. we wonder why kids are fat. sheesh. pizza + macaroni + corn dogs + chicken fingers + chicken sticks + french fries + hamburgers. the hamburger might have some redeeming qualities, and there's nothing inherently wrong with chicken. hell, there's nothing inherently wrong with food - period. it's just that we eat too much of the wrong stuff. our bodies are hungry for nutrients, and we give them empty calories, so they are hungry again. there is this book called eat this not that - and it's really cool. it compares real-world food choices, like macaroni & cheese versus spaghettios - choose the spaghettios. who knew? and, choose swiss over cheddar. good, b/c i like swiss better! this one lady on the show was like - i cannot afford swiss, so i get cheddar. hrm. that one got me. i never thought about swiss being expensive. brought a whole new perspective to life.
it's supposed to snow tomorrow. we ended up running at the gym today, which was a cop-out. the weather wasn't that bad. should have run outside. tomorrow, it will be cold & snowy. i hope it snows, not rains. i shall run outside. i shall!
did i tell you i bought something else on ebay? what a money pit that place is. but, in this case, it was $10, including shipping, for a navy blue fully lined knee legth sheath dress. i have been looking for that very item. i hope that it fits well.
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