24 January 2009

was it the sushi?

earlier this week, i awoke in the middle of the night violently ill. i do not ever remember being sick like that, ever ever ever. i will spare you the details. about maybe 4 or so hours after it started, it was done, and i slept like... 1-1/2 days. woke up last night for a few hours but did not feel like doing anything except watching teevee. i did successfully eat something. yay for that. woke up this morning with a wee bit more energy and just wanted to say that this totally sucks. work was going so well, and now i am behind again. checked my email, and found that my boss was answering emails for me, but did not say that i was out sick, so now i look like an incompetent who cannot answer their own emails. running was going so well -- so amazingly well -- and now i will probably have to start over at square one. i had planned to run this weekend w/ my speedy who i have not actually seen in many many weeks, but i got sick and had to back out and now i do not know when i will see her again. yes, i am angry, and i will never eat sushi again.


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