08 January 2009

hummus + coffee = sparkling fresh breath

finally finished the shadowmancer. criminy, that was quite a taxing read. and, so here i am ready to start the next book, and have i? no. why? b/c i do most of my reading on the vanpool, and it has been too dark on the vanpool to read. days are getting longer, though, so soon i will. probably could have read on the vanpool today, but i was not on the vanpool today b/c elvis, priscilla, & beavis were here, so i had to go meet them at the coffeeshop after work. yes, had to. it is such a chore. [hee hee!]

so, the ebay orders came thru, and i am now the proud owner of a xylophone, and i tried it out, and it sounds fabulous. really! i am quite psyched about it, but just played it a wee bit tonight b/c it would likely annoy my old man. i put it all back in the box. also got a copy of we were tired of living in a house - the original illustrations by doris burn. very psyched about that, too, and if you don't understand, then you can just get in line with all the other folk who do not understand. the last ebay purchase is a camera for mini-me. i haven't opened the box and am a little conflicted about what to do w/ it. i would like to know if it works, but i am not a photographer, so what do i know? need mini-me to check it out, but don't want to send it to her b/c of the expense. ::sigh::

one of my running buddies from work recently had a melanoma in situ removed. this means he had a melanoma, but it had not spread - it was in situ - in place. it was on the top of his head, and when he had it removed, they did a skin graft. he wore a hat to work for several days. before they did it, he sent out this email about it to a few close coworkers to explain what would happen and that he would be wearing a hat, etc. the healed place is like a small dent, about the diameter, but not depth, of a golf ball. like, a golf ball could sit in it. so, anyway, long story short, he had this thing done and has not run much since early december & is back into running again. so, he is running slowly. and, i am trying not to be a total butt about telling him to suck it up & run faster.

i typed that whole boring melanoma running story, so i am not erasing it. if you read it, well, good on ya!


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