04 January 2009

if you call out my name, you know where ever i am, i'll come running to see you again.

did run 12 miles, and it was spectacular.

did win the camera & the xylophone on ebay. let me tell you, that place is baaaad news. you just sort of purchase things without noticing. never should have memorized my credit card number, but the thing there is that i did not mean to. it just happened. i needed it for something, and realized i knew it by heart. using it too much, i suppose. anyhootle, got a deal on the camera, and i wanted a xylophone, so now i will have one. feeling oddly guilty about the purchases. not really sure why. i guess b/c i purchased them sight unseen.

article in the paper this morning about folks getting ticked at other folks who unfriend them on fb or myspace. there are even prgs now to track if you get unfriended - qwitter for twitter for example. some of us try to keep our friends lists to a reasonable size from the outset, but some folks have gotten huge friend lists sort of without meaning to. the ebay effect, if you will. these folks realize their friend lists are filled with people they do not actually know - maybe acquaintances, maybe friends-of-friends, maybe people with whom they cannot establish a connection at all. so, these folks cull their friend lists down to folks that are actual friends - like, you know, in real life. the unfriended acquaintances are sometimes ticked or even downright insulted by this - as if they considered these folks actual friends. conclusion - friendship has been diluted by the push on sites like fb & linked in to have the largest possible list of friends, with complete disregard for whether or not folks actually know each other, and those who wish to take control of the meaning of friendship face possible vilification. the ones who diluted friendship are the ones who should be vilified. i believe this is an example of irony, but if not irony, then bassackwardness.

so, these social networking sites are fast jumping the shark and would be served well by paying attn to the shifting tide. look at starbux - it was a personal, neighborhood coffee shop that expanded too fast to maintain the model, saturated the market, dumbed down the product, homogenized & sterilized itself until the sameness is reminiscent of stepford wives. i mean, there is something to be said for the comfortable, known anonymity of the chain store, but the dilution of the product is not worth the comfort. or, rather... the dilution of the product and the comfort factor must be balanced, and there is a point of diminishing returns on either one.


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