01 September 2008

5k time - 28:52

the goals are different, but the path remains the same. heh heh. broke 30 mins & that was the goal. junior won his age group. speedy did the 10k instead of the 5k and had some... uh... digestive issues that affected her time. right, eh? my old man ran, came in a min or 2 behind me. good for him!

did you hear about sarah palin's 17-yr-old daughter? she's turned up preggers. yeah. here's the thing - that happens all the freakin' time to 17-yr-old girls & boys. it's not news. i hope that it does not become a big news story b/c there are so many more important things to worry about. don't you imagine li'l bristol would have told her parents before the big announcement if she had seen the big announcement coming? or, perhaps she didn't know she was pregnant. at any rate, i would have to doubt she planned this to interfere with the campaign. i hope the media will let it drop.

this is a pic of the palins. that's bristol on the right. there are 5 kids now - a baby was born this past spring. pics that show the palins w/ the baby don't show the oldest boy - track - b/c he joined the armed forces [navy, i believe] sept 11, 2007 - before the baby was born. so, i can find a pic of the 4 oldest or 4 youngest, but not all 5 together. i chose the 4 oldest b/c the baby looks like... uh... a baby. bristol is usually holding him, so he's usually not even facing the camera.

what about ol' gustav, eh? slammin' into nola. doesn't look too bad. levees are holding on and the system is working. many folks decided to hold out in the 9th ward, despite being told to vacate, and what can you say about that? relief supplies are being prepared, help is on the way, good, good. all that is good. but, still, i have to ask if this is the way i'd choose to spend my tax dollars. i mean, it's one thing if you want to hold out & you're self-supporting, but you should not be able to choose to hold out if you are not able to take care of yourself in good circumstances. that's right - i am talking about people on welfare & other aid. if you are using my money to support yourself, i have an interest in telling you how to protect my investment. at least, that is what i think. what do you think?


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