cereal affairs
crappy green team outdoor season began with a loss. thank you for your support.
i would have to say my favorite cereal is cap'n crunch. i am also a fan of cheerios & honey-nut cheerios, but frankly, the cheerful o's make me a little gassy. uh-huh. also a fan of life. the cereal, dur. i mean, i am a fan of life as in living, double-dur. but, we are discussing cereal. i am a fan of life cereal. so, #1 is cap'n crunch with probably life in #2. cheerios #3. wait. wrong.
1. cap'n crunch
2. honey smacks [formerly sugar smacks]
3. life
4. cheerios/honey-nut cheerios
5. chex - corn or rice
6. lucky charms
7. raisin bran
8. wheat chex
9. frosted mini-wheats
10. cinnamon toast crunch
frosted mini-wheats are the best cereal dry, so if we were making a dry cereal list, it would be a different list. for cereal w/ banana, chex is the top. i mean, cap'n crunch w/ banana? please, no. lucky charms win the prize for cereal with candy in it. heh heh. sneak a wee bit of candy in there with the cereal. speaking of prizes - what ever happened to prizes in cereal boxes? nowadays it's all this send away for it shizzle. bring back prizes in the boxes, man! i am watching these folks protesting outside the democratic national convention, and not one of them is protesting for the prizes to be put back in the cereal boxes. where are their priorities?
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