24 July 2008

scrabulous, anyone?

still reading laurie king's touchstone. it's slow going, for some reason. it's a good book - i am enjoying it, but it's slow going. odd, that.

ever play scrabulous on facebook? well, the fun may just be over. turns out that hasbro is trying to enforce some sort of trademark or copyright. mattel, which owns scrabble outside the us & canada, has also sent cease & desist orders to facebook for them to pull scrabulous. this would not be happening of scrabulous was not popular. duh to that. and, giving over to scrabble is simply going to lead to having to pay to play the game. i've never played scrabulous, so i don't know how close it is to scrabble, but i am guessing it must be fairly close, but also guessing it could be changed without too much trouble. the creators, however, are not speaking.

in other news, iraqi teams may not compete at the olympics b/c their govt did not reinstate the country's olympic committee in time. the govt officials probably have other things on their minds, but the athletes do not. this is a shame that the country cannot rally around the olympics during this crucial formation time with their new govt.

speaking of sports - time to get ready for the first round of the indoor soccer tourney. w00t! go crappy green team!


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