23 July 2008

running mate jones

in case you didn't hear, hilary's campaign debt was paid. by obama's campaign. kinda makes you think they will end up on the ticket together, eh? as for mccain... it's still up in the air. my old man says he'd like to see lieberman on the ticket, and sure -- that sounds enticing: a mix&match of republican & libertarian. but, don't look for it. that's simply not the kind of thing that happens. i am thinking it will end up being ol' softball-equipment romney, but the media is tossing around all sorts of interesting names. not that i remember any of them. mostly i remember that i had not really heard of a lot of them, which is what makes them interesting to me. i wonder when they will name their running mates, anyway? i mean, the election is coming up in november... let's get some teams on the table, boys! you know what i'd really like to see - name your entire freakin' cabinet before the election. let me choose based on your entire team. that'll never happen, though, b/c the cabinets are filled with paybacks from campaign favors.

got any fig newtons? kinda having a fig newton jones here....


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