it's dangerous being a pretty girl in this town.
the boss is on vacation. the new girl left for a new job at a p.r. firm. one editor works only part time, and one editor hasn't officially joined the company yet. the business mgr & assistant biz mgr haven't been hired. the freelance designer has been out all week with family issues. there you have it - yours truly is holding down the fort. got my musket loaded & tamped, got my eye to the peephole - you better announce yourself as you approach, or you may end up sucking musket dust!
in addition to holding down the fort, i am the queen of ubuntu. what? you need an example? okay, fine. here:
sudo mount /dev/hda1 /home/ubuntu/Desktop/NewFile -t ntfs -o iocharset=utf8,umask=000
wahlah. hours of research pans out into one command line. easy peasy lemon squeezy? right.
and, lest we forget - current barometric pressure: 30.00 inches.
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