vandy & ut both won mens basketball games today. vandy is 12-0. w00t!
finished tony abbott's firegirl today. it is a short but touching story of a 7th grade boy's reaction to a young girl who was burned in a fire and joins a 7th grade class for a few weeks while she is undergoing treatment. the situations & emotions are portrayed with excellent subtlety. abbott has written 60 books, and it would appear that he has learned to do it well.
currently watching giants v patriots. it's just before halftime, and it looks like there's about to be a fight. the referee is mike carey, and he is one of the best. he calls a fair game and explains the calls well. he also has one of the best deliveries in the nfl. the broadcast usually doesn't show his complete delivery b/c it takes too long to develop. i can't explain it... it's simply good. watch him sometime, and you will agree. here is his pic so you will know him when you see him.
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