29 December 2007

guten morgen

very nice run this morning -- the group was pleasant, the weather was cool, the trail not too muddy, the pace not too intense. still not in the shape i'd like to be in... that's gonna take some time. we did 2 separate loops - a 4.5 mile loop and a 2.5 mile loop. mini-me would like the 2.5, so i might just have to take her out there sometime.

printed out a hal higdon marathon training plan. having never followed a plan, i am intrigued. i wonder how my actual running will measure up to the plan. fairly certain that i have not been doing enough weekly mileage to support the long runs on the weekends. it's difficult to fit in an 8 mile run midweek, though, so the plan may not pan out.

it's quiet around here... everyone else who lives here is either asleep or not here. seems like a good time for a nap, eh?


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