06 November 2007

potential - gifts, dedication, & luck

probably fewer than 1% of butchers, bakers, & candlestick makers even come close to tapping their ultimate potential as butchers, bakers, & candlestick makers. people who reach their full potential in any given field are naturally gifted, personally dedicated, and not without a touch of luck. the more gifted you are, the easier the work is because it fits with your gifts; ergo, it is not that difficult to dedicate yourself. the gifts, dedication, & luck come together to create success, which is fulfilling and breeds further dedication in search of greater success. dedication to anything is relatively easy for a person who is gifted & successful in that field -- easier than for a person who is neither gifted nor successful.

and, this is where encouragement comes into play. those who are more gifted & successful can -- and should -- give back to the community in which they excel by encouraging the lesser beings that make up the bulk of any community. encouragement can go a long way to make up for lack of natural gifts, and ease the pain of dedication for those to whom it does not come so easily.


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