11 October 2007

if it wasn't nonsense then, it's nonsense now.

gtalk is broken which is an extreme aggravation, and their tech support won't reply. also broken, my pineapple earring. also an aggravation, but less so as it is something that i can fix.

in response to the previous query, research has been done, and turns out i do like barenaked ladies music, not just that one song.

today at the mini-mart: vault zero for 99¢ minus 40¢ coupon for total 59¢. score! too bad they only had 2 left.

news you can use: that narrow space under the tiny freezer in the miniature refrigerator... if you put bottled water there it will get frozen. solid.

new music from the cat's dog pound: the frogmoores, jud newcomb, peter walker, the connells. no verdict as of yet.


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