06 October 2007


you will no doubt be impressed to learn that i did not wrangle out of the baby shower, but i went like the big girl that i am & smiled & made small talk & gave advice & participated in everyday life sort of like a regular normal human bean.

i periodically have to check my aim email b/c even though i don't actually use it anymore, they will not actually deactivate the acct, so folks do not realize that their emails are not getting to me. which i guess the emails are getting to me, since i am checking it, but i think you know what i mean and also realize that's not the point. the point is that when i logged in, i saw this thing where aol is trying to give cute little hints about emoticons, and the icon of the day is a cassette tape. a cassette tape? really? who in the hookah even knows what a cassette tape is anymore. also - their trivia question of the day is can you name gargamel's cat. if you can even remember who is gargamel, then you likely also remember cassette tapes, so that goes to show you who is in aol's target market. old people. that's right - i am calling you old. yes, i am. yes.

vandy lost today to auburn. not totally unexpected but a bigger loss than it should have been. ut's playing georgia right now -- ut's up 7-0 at the moment. titans are off this weekend, and so is the crappy green team. it will be good to have a day to rest after the 20-mile run we've got schedule for the morning. jah-eeepers.

this morning it was time again to pay the monthly bills, so i took all the necessary shizzle outside and worked in the shade. this was (1) quite pleasant & (2) total confirmation that a treehouse is desirable. sitting in a treehouse would alleviate much of the anxiety of paying bills... indeed, much of the anxiety of everyday life would be alleviated by treehouse seating. i'll find a good treehouse pic to include here, so that you can agree with me.

[insert searching here. lalala... searching... lalala...]

okay, i found a treehouse pic. this one is perhaps a wee bit elaborate, but some of the things people claim are treehouses... well, it ain't right. there are pics out there labeled treehouse, but they are simply houses on stilts. or, they are like pre-fab shacks you'd use to park your lawnmower, just plunked up into a tree. or, they are totally far-out, actual houses. what i am talking about is a simple, functional platform in a tree, plus a couple of walls and a piece of tin on top. anyhoo - here's the pretty pic:


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