16 November 2011

gerroff yer butte dae

my fitness has gone to hell in a handbasket. i lost all motivation to lift weights several weeks ago, and in the past couple weeks i've pretty much quit running too and now soccer season is over. i am a giant lump that eats cookies. i am the cookie lump. stupid lung testing i was talking about yesterday, remember that? had to get off the asthma meds for a week to prep for it and the gddm doctors can say whatever they gddm please about whether it's asthma or not, but i tell you, i stop that stuff and feel like crap. CRAP I TELL YA. tired and sickish. so i feel better now i guess, back on the meds, but hell, i couldn't work out much less run when i was off 'em so that's a week right there, and before that, well, it's not like i was a paragon of fitness. now what? oh, let's go walk a marathon on sunday. oh, good, sounds like a really great idea there, ace. brilliant, truly. such a gddm idiot. then, well, i won't go into it all, but you can bet your left breast and not risk losing it that i won't be working out at all until at least 28 november.

so there you have it. 28 november is officially Ace Get Off Your Butt Day.

28 november. yeah, i'm all excited just thinking about it.


thank god it's not tomorrow....


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