humour is never inappropriate.
the commercial says - advair is not for people whose asthma is well-controlled by an inhaled corticosteroid. what the hell is an inhaled corticosteriod and how do i know if it works for me? is this something i am supposed to ask my doctor about or is this something my doctor is supposed to ask me about or is this something that the asthma medicine company is trying to foist on me? from the commercials, the logical deduction is that advair is something "more than" the inhaled corticosteriod. i use advair and i would like to use the least amount of meds possible, so maybe i would prefer the inhaled corticosteriod instead of the advair. on the other hand, the advair works, so why fix what's not broken? on the other hand, just cause it's not broken now doesn't mean it won't be broken later. is the advair causing a potential longterm issue? i was having trouble breathing and was in pain, and a doctor suggested advair, and that fixed the problems i was having. should that be the end of it? i would like to simply accept the solution and be done with it, but i wonder if i should be wondering. am i overmedicated? should i try other things or is trying other things more trouble than it's worth, more effort than payback, more investment than return? should i be concerned that i am questioning the advice of doctors based on a television commercial, or should i be thankful that a television commercial enlightened me?
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