do you remember irony?
my lifeguard training teacher has a tattoo on her neck, and the tattoo is in hebrew. is that irony? i get confused. what is irony? what is confusion?
tonight at lifeguarding we learned about rescue breathing. tomorrow i am having PFTs (google it!) and so i have been off my meds all day and am a bit tired and wheezy. is that irony?
- rescue breathing -
1. if you see someone who is just lying there, check to be sure the area is clear, such as the victim is not lying on a downed power line.
2. try to rouse the victim because nothing scares a sleeping sunbather more than being awoken by someoen breathing into their mouth.
3. if they don't respond, immediately get a specific person to call 911 and retrieve the AED.
4. check the victim to see if they're breathing by putting your face near their mouth and watching their chest for no more than 10 seconds.
5. place your breathing barrier over the victim's mouth and nose, tilt the victim's head back, and give two quick rescue breaths.
6. if the victim's chest visibly rises, continue to step 8, and if it does not, try again to tilt the victim's head and give two rescue breaths, and if the victim's chest still doesn't rise, you need to clear the blocked airway.
7. to clear the airway, give 5 quick firm chest compressions, check the mouth, sweep any obstructions, and try the quick rescue breaths again.
8. when the breaths succeed in making the chest rise, check for a pulse, and if you find a pulse without breathing, start the rescue breathing.
9. give 1 breath every 3 seconds for infants and children, and 1 breath every 5 seconds for adults, in both cases proceed for 2 minutes and after two minutes check again to see if the victim is breathing on their own and also to be sure they still have a pulse.
10. when the victim is breathing and has a pulse, place them in the recovery position.
- end -
just typed all that from memory! go, my memory! it's been a while since i've sat for a test, so i am a bit concerned about the state of my memory. hanging in there, my memory! you da memory!
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