the announcer just said - he threw a dead fish up there and it fell in the basket, but i thought it was a basketball. maybe his basketball is a fish.
firstly, the article was titled "free ways to save money" and what the hell kind of way to save money includes spending money? jeez!
- free financial planning may be offered by the company that handles your retirement plan. yes, and it's surprising how often their planning advice includes "put more of your money with us". why, this one place can handle all your finances - who knew?
- a growing number of credit card companies offer free extended warranties as an incentive for purchasing with their card. really? the advice here is save money by getting a credit card? really?
- some utility companies conduct a free inspection of ducts, appliances, and electrical wiring, as well as calculating heat and air loss, and even provide free smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. wait. what? i am going to have to check this one out. for reals, yo.
- a growing number of health insurance companies now offer free, 24-hour nurse helplines for members. good luck getting any advice besides "go see your doctor". but you know, whatever. ring 'em up.
- free legal help is available for a variety of matters, including family, civil, and real estate law, all paid for by the government with your tax dollars. if it's paid for with my tax dollars, IT'S NOT FREE.
the end.
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