well, maybe $278 won't buy the whole wish list, but it'll get a netbook, by golly!
like i said yesterday, the boss is out of the office this week, so today me & a couple coworkers gathered around office lady's desk and discussed the coworker who left last week for a new job. we all offered myriad opinions on her working style and method of departure, and i am sure it was all very ethical and above board, especially when you consider that my one subordinate was standing there listening to everything i had to contribute to the convo. go ace!
remember how the house down the street is for rent again? well, if not, look it up. or, look it down. it's down the page here, a bit. find it for yourself. the point is that i axted the sheriff what was up and a deputy replied, "On 7/14 there was a little family squabble that did not result in anyones arrest." looks like bad grammar's not a crime. still - note that no one was arrested and yet they all left town. fascinating. also, please note that the date was 7/14 and let me know if you think this indicates that they are french expats.
i read in the newspaper today that a red dye which is widely used in foodstuffs is created from crushed shells of a particular bug, and now suddenly people are all up in arms about it and the possible implications of dirty bug bits being in the food, but i would like to go on record as saying i prefer the all natural yet potentially slightly mussed up crushed bugs over completely artificial chemical colorings, but that over either bugs or chemicals, i prefer leaving the color of food the fock alone.
oh, and one more thing: BP and our esteemed congressfolk are all colluding to make it appear that they are "doing something" about the gulf oil spill by singling out tony hayward for a dissing and then sending him off to siberia for what is in reality a superswap with mr bob dudley - a guy who was embroiled in a gulfesque situation in siberia. rather convenient how their mutual chastisement worked out, isn't it now?
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