14 April 2010

it's a wee bit warm in here.....

at times it seems the more pervasive technology becomes the less people get it. i don't mean, like, they can't use a microwave or a blackberry or whatever - they can USE the technology but they don't GET it. they don't see the point. prime example: printing out emails. i cannot begin to explain the idiocy of this to you b/c if you print emails, you won't ever get it, and if you don't print emails, you already do. today, marketing-guy brought a printout of some tech guy's blog where the guy was ranting about the uselessness of the prevalent IT practice of requiring frequent password changes. [in case you don't know, frequent password changes don't bolster security.] so, marketing-guy was all - «next time you see the IT guys, give them this, haha!» and i am all - «no.» if i were to take a printout of a blog containing a trite, over-ranted ranting about an admittedly useless but pathetically patterned IT practice and hand it to the IT guys, they'd laugh at me. firstly, who prints out blogs?? send a freaking link! and on the other hand, we all already know about the fact that changing passwords is just method to distract the user community from the fact that security is simply smoke & mirrors. and by "we" i mean of course, everyone but marketing-guy.


At 14 April, 2010 21:10, Blogger J Dot said...

Who uses email anymore?

At 15 April, 2010 06:41, Blogger ace said...

mostly people who don't know how to set their computers to warn them about impending updates.


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