08 March 2010

in that song "tonight's gonna be a good night" - they say 'saturday' twice - friday saturday & saturday sunday -- twice!!

it's monday night!! chuck+24!! a little funny play spying followed by a little serious play spying. nothing like a little spy monday to hold ya over until football season rolls around... six freakin long months from now.

speaking of football, next football season is going to be a bit strange. i really haven't followed it all that closely, but something is up with the financial aspect. no salary cap? no salary floor? everyone's a free agent? i don't know. all i know for sure is that kyle vanden bosch is gone to detroit to be a lion. i will try to figure this out for you and update you appropriately. i know you're concerned.

speaking of concerned, i am having some serious pain in my right pinkie and i am fairly certain this is caused by too much tetris. wait. what? too much tetris? there's no such thing as too much tetris! pluswise, you don't use your pinkie in tetris, so maybe i am wrong about the cause. exceptwise, it kind of hurts when i am desperately clutching the DS2 machine turning those little blox and turning and turning and turning them and turning them and blox turning blox and turning them turning turning turning....

hey, speaking of blox, tonight at the publix i was perusing the plastic cutlery and there beside the non-silver silverware were these little paper cups in a shrink-wrapped stack and on the stack was the label: gelatin shot cups. oh me goush!! what has the world come to when right there in the piquenique aisle is some sort of drinking paraphernalia?? next thing you know they will be selling beers in cans and wines in boxes. oh me goush!


At 09 March, 2010 21:06, Blogger J Dot said...

I thought those were pill cups. Guess it all depends on what you are into. Not you, you. The generic you. One.


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