31 March 2010

adventures in vacationland

so i was toodling along the interstate today heading up to vacationville, a small suburb of vacationland, and traffic was fairly light the entire way, probably b/c it's a WEEKDAY in MIDDAY and i am ON VACATION!! so, i am working on being in the correct lane and going with the flow and not missing the exit and this goofwad pulls up on my left and wants to get over in my lane. in front of me. a quick glance in my rearview tells me there's like 3 miles clear behind me. get in back, buddy! so i tighten up a bit to the guy in front cause no way am i letting this goofwad in front when he should merge from behind. get in back, buddy! learn to drive! ha. showed HIM a thing or two. so then i am all la-la-la... driving along... and i look a little closer at the tanker truck i've tucked up under and la-la-la... hmm... h-a-z... hazard... wait. what? in order to teach the guy beside me a lesson in proper traffic etiquette, i have tucked up under a tanker full of hazardous materials. brilliant! i really showed that guy! yeah!


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