23 March 2010

who would do that to a rabbit??

back in the day, we didn't have velcro and we had to tie our shoes like real humans. i remember not knowing how to tie my shoes b/c there was this big chart on the kindeygarden wall with everyone's name and a bold notification of whether or not each could tie their shoes. i could not. then, i could. perhaps i osmosed the knowledge. or, it was an extremely traumatic experience which i have purged from the memory banks. or, perhaps i purged it simply to make room for something more fascinating, since this clearly is not fascinating at all.

so i could not tie them and then i could and i don't remember learning, ergo i don't remember being taught so i don't know who taught me, but they taught me wrong. the way i throw under with the left hand on the first pass makes the bow come out wonky and it invariably hits me in the ankle, so i have to do a double knot and run the lace back thru to make it leave me the hell alone. i thought that everyone had to do this. turns out, not so much. other people throw under differently and end up with a nice, flat bow.

i deduced this by trial & error and started utilizing a different throwing-under motion. i thought i would start doing it this new way all the time, as this way seemed better. but then i missed my old, wonky bows and my left-handed throw under, and i was afraid i would lose this primordial part of me altogether - this part of me from the mysterious nowhere, the lost memory of learning to tie shoes.

so i went back to the old way. i like my wonky bows - they are my heritage.


At 23 March, 2010 11:34, Blogger Alexander Lukin said...

At 4(ish), I was the only left-handed person I had ever seen or heard of {ed note: possible hyperbole}. I learned to tie my shoes in the back seat of a silver Caprice Classic or Impala or both from a right-handed perfect tie older sibling and right-handed all wonky older sibling. I was fit to be tied. But I remember very clearly the day I got it right. Perfect tie said something like, "yup". Wonky said something like, "you're a genius and the best person ever and I will always think that and you are my favorite of all time and I will always worship your force of will and crazy leftiness" {ed note: possible hyperbole}


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