gather ye rosebuds while ye may
back in the day, i was quite proficient in the français. i once won an award for reciting a poem with the proper accent. or, i guess, no accent at all since the goal would be to have the recitation sound as if one were a native speaker de la français which now that i think about it doesn't make too much sense because there are all sorts of different accents within the range of normal language so i guess what we need here is for me to get specific and say "no accent of the teenaged american varietal".
i won an award, so i must have done it correctly, and there is really nothing like winning an award to inspire you to further heights of success so i continued to delve into français and imagined i might one day be a translator at the UN. i took français classes in college and took up smoking clove cigarettes b/c nothing says "i am a true intellectual of the european varietal" quite like holes in your clothing from the sparks of a burning cookie spice.
in college we read candide in français and i thought at first that i just didn't get the français quite like i thought i did, but then i realized that candide is a stupid book and i felt better about my français skills. of course, after school i allowed my skills to lapse but just as of-course, i fancied myself still fluent in français.
pan forward 15 years to a time when i am visiting montréal on bidness and i was all excited to use my skills de français. i attempted reading la presse which is montréal's newspaper de français. you can probably not deduce this so i will tell you that la presse means "the press" in english. see how fluent i am? so i was reading la presse and was horrified to learn that a guy who had chopped up some kid with an axe was loose on the streets of montréal. this was really frightening to me, so i tuned in to the local english speaking news to get the latest details on the manhunt and realized after a few moments that i had the story prigzactly bassackwards and the guy was not loose but had been nabbed. it is possible that i was wrong about the axe thing, also, and that his crime was maybe robbing something perhaps like a gas station.
the poem i memorized is ronsard's pour hélène. my memory holds the paltry quantity of the first two lines but i can still recite those two lines to perfection.
Quand vous serez bien vieille, au soir, à la chandelle,
Assise auprès du feu, dévidant et filant,
Direz, chantant mes vers, en vous émerveillant :
Ronsard me célébrait du temps que j’étais belle.
Lors, vous n’aurez servante oyant telle nouvelle,
Déjà sous le labeur à demi sommeillant,
Qui au bruit de mon nom ne s’aille réveillant,
Bénissant votre nom de louange immortelle.
Je serai sous la terre et fantôme sans os :
Par les ombres myrteux je prendrai mon repos :
Vous serez au foyer une vieille accroupie,
Regrettant mon amour et votre fier dédain.
Vivez, si m’en croyez, n’attendez à demain :
Cueillez dès aujourd’hui les roses de la vie.
So, yes, Candide is an odd little book. But i have to say that the French strike me as odd little people. Not as little as the Chinese, nor as odd as the Kazakhs, but little and odd nonetheless. Keeping that in mind, I do keep coming back to Candide's admonition to tend my own garden. Something I am betterer or worser at depending on the day. Being a scholar of latin myself, I often dreamed of translating for tourists in Panama. (Get it? Latin America? Oh, I kill me!)
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