25 July 2009

i heart books. | .skoob traeh i

currently reading ken follett's world without end and yes some critics say the characters are flat & polarized and the plot is without embellishment. however, the detail of life in the 1300s is fascinating. the setting is a character. i am not totally sure he's got everything right - for instance, would a poor village boy in the england of 1337 have heard of leopards? not sure. but then, one presumes mr follett researched these things.

so, this is my current book - world without end - and it's 1014 pages, and it weighs probably 7 lbs and really, when one is on crutchers, one wonders what compels one to choose such a weighty tome. even not on crutchers, one still hesitates to lug around a tome of this volume. i can see the appeal of the kindle. wouldn't want to read from it all the time but it would be nice to be able to read from the real book at home and carry the kindlized version around for reading in the car. or, for reading while on the stationary bike.

this is the uk and aussi cover. i like it better than the usa cover.

and speaking of the stationary bike - which i rode for an hour [!!] this morning - riddle me this: why don't those things have a book holder? let's get serious, folks, we're not going anywhere. it's a stationary bike. stat.ion.ary. do we really need handle bars? i think not.

yeah, i rode for an hour this morning because i was just humming along there and presto it had been 45 minutes so i figured might as well finish out the hour. and that is testimony to the power of a good book. a good book of which i am on page 315 - barely 1/3 of the way in. so what did i do at b&n this evening? get a couple more books to put on the to-read pile, of course. there are 3 books sitting right here beside me on the to-read pile, plus a few on the bookshelf, plus a couple on reserve at the liberry, plus a book wish list that i carry around with me. are the books on reserve and the books i just bought ones off the wish list? ppfahahaha! no. that would make some sort of sense. these are books - where's the sense in that?


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