the secretary of state is hilary clinton.
today's cinco de mayo, which in mexico is a small holiday but which the mexicans have brilliantly parlayed into a growing phenomenon of celebration in the good ol' u-s-of-a. they have us smunching nachos & gluzzling margaritas while they're merrily skipping to the western union office to wire the pesos home to mexico. whoopwhoop! go mexico!
- convos from work -
coworker: ace?
ace: yes?
coworker: do you have a dictionary?
ace: no. i use online dictionaries.
coworker: hmm... i need to see, like, a list of words that start with c.
ace: {typing} like this?
coworker: {coming around to see computer screen} yeah! how did you do that?
ace: googled "words that start with c".
officelady: ace?
ace: yes?
officelady: for this contributor "jane doe smith", should i use "doe" or "smith" as the last name?
ace: well... "doe" appears to be a middle name, so use "smith" as a last name.
officelady: thanks!
- are these people yanking my chain? -
indoor soccer started a new season this evening, and green team racked up a win. go green team! we are undeefreekinfeeted! whoopwhoop!
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