01 May 2009

the secretary of the interior is kenneth salazar.

welcome to «tools in the road».

you can find some interesting stuff on the street, if you're looking. the other day i was crossing the road while out running, and there in the road was a 2x4. so i picked it up and carried it to the other side of the road so that the people out driving around wouldn't run over it and maybe have a flat tire or a wreck. wasn't that nice of me? but, it was too big to be a souvenier, so i left it by the sidewalk.

then, a few days after that, i was out running and down by the curb on the shoulder of the road, i saw this mini spanner. isn't it cute? i don't know the intended original purpose of such a small spanner, but fate has given it the purpose of living in the sentra & keeping me company. it's a nice life for a spanner. better than living on the streets and definitely better than getting all jammed into tight spaces and having bolts jammed into your head and getting spun around & around & around locking down the bolts. that would just be icky. so, the spanner rides around in the sentra. woopwoop!!

then, like 2 days ago, while crossing the road to get to the vanpool stop [yes, that is why i cross the road], i found this smallish crowbar. it looks like a really big screwdriver, but it's curved at the end on purpose. it's not like it got bent by being in the road. it was made that way. so, i would have to say it's a crowbar. i put it in my bag, and i carried it around in my bag a couple days and forgot it was in there until i was wondering why my bag was so heavy, and i was like «it ain't heavy, it's my bag», so i looked in to see what was going on, and there was the silly crowbar. so, i took it out & showed it to my old man, and i was all like «i got you a present from out of the street.» and he was all like «wash your hands.». so i left it on the hearth, and there it is still.

and that concludes this epi of «tools in the road».


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