26 April 2009

the secretary of veterans' affairs is eric shinseki.

there were ants in my bathroom. started with tiny little ants, and then it became a mix of tiny little ants & large-ish ants. none of these ants really seemed to have an ant-clue about what they were doing. they were just sort of wandering around, and when you'd turn on the lights, they'd sort of work up enough energy to scatter back to the gap between the sink & wall or they'd scootch down the drain. sometimes i'd wash them down the drain, but i don't suspect they minded that too much since they'd head for the drain of their own accord. i concluded that they were some kind of hippie ants, just wandering around like that. these were not the busy ants in neat little lines trooping in & out in lock step. not your suit-wearing ant varietals.

told my old man «there's ants in my bathroom.» and he was like «spray this stuff & get rid of them.» i am not sure why it's important to get rid of them. do ants carry germs? since they were in the bathroom, it's not like they were making off with our food or anything. but - perhaps the small ants are like the marajuana of the bug world. maybe they lead to bigger things. i mean, they'd clearly already led to bigger ants. maybe the next thing would be some sort of bigger bug. or, maybe the ants just keep getting bigger & bigger. maybe ants lead to bigger & bigger ants. at the rate they were advancing in size, they'd be big as cheewahwahs soon. ants the size of cheewahwahs would be scary - so, not knowing for sure what i was up against, i took the spray & sprayed it.

ooooweee - did those little buggers scatter! yeah - ya hippie dippie ants - take that! the instructions said to spray where the wall meets the sink & also to spray the actual ants. so, i sprayed the ants, and most of them sort of hobbled away down the side of the sink or down the drain.

but this one ant - this one ant, i hit dead on. stopped him in his tracks and stuck him to the wall.

i left him there as a totem - as a warning to the other ants.

ne messez-vous pas avec moi!


At 27 April, 2009 00:26, Blogger dmb said...

mother--i believe you might be a little insane.


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